Toastmasters @ Hope is a club in Singapore, started with the intention to provide a platform for anyone who wants to learn and improve their speaking skills as well as those who want to hone their leadership skills.

Regardless whether you are an experienced speaker or if you are new and looking for an avenue to kick start and polish your public speaking skills, Toastmasters @ Hope provides a comfortable and cohesive culture where you can embark on a wonderful and rewarding journey coupled hand in hand with Toastmasters International's specially crafted Communicator and Leadership program.

Do not hesitate to contact us or join us at our monthly chapter meetings!! =)

Email Enquiry:
Melvyn Goh at 9189-3526 | ahmagoh@yahoo.com | toastmasters_at_hope@yahoogroups.com


Speechcraft 2016 - First session 09 Jan 2016 at 10:00a.m - COME JOIN US

Note: Change of Venue for Speechcraft - see flyer below

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Club Officer Installation Ceremony - 2014/2015

Toastmasters@Hope Club Officer Installation Ceremony was held on 19 July 2014. The outgoing club officers were thanked for their work and relieved of their responsibilities. Our new Exco team comprises of the following club members:-

1. Club President - Melvyn Goh
2.Vice President (Education) - Simon Goh
3.Vice President (Membership) - Vince Lee
4. Vice President (Public Relations) Xinni Chen
5. Secretary - Susan Lim
6. Treasurer - Yong Tau Tan
7. Sergeant at Arms - Aswin D. Valiyaveettil

Exco Team 2014/2015 (Simon-not present) with Immediate Past President Ching KW (far left)

Group Picture in celebration of our Club anniversary

Melvyn - our newly appointed Club President

TM@Hope was awarded District 80 Presidents Distinguished Club


  1. Happy to know about the installation ceremony. My colleague is planning to organize an official party at one of the budgeted corporate events NYC next week. She has decided the menu keeping in mind the tastes of everyone.
