Toastmasters @ Hope is a club in Singapore, started with the intention to provide a platform for anyone who wants to learn and improve their speaking skills as well as those who want to hone their leadership skills.

Regardless whether you are an experienced speaker or if you are new and looking for an avenue to kick start and polish your public speaking skills, Toastmasters @ Hope provides a comfortable and cohesive culture where you can embark on a wonderful and rewarding journey coupled hand in hand with Toastmasters International's specially crafted Communicator and Leadership program.

Do not hesitate to contact us or join us at our monthly chapter meetings!! =)

Email Enquiry:
Melvyn Goh at 9189-3526 | ahmagoh@yahoo.com | toastmasters_at_hope@yahoogroups.com


Speechcraft 2016 - First session 09 Jan 2016 at 10:00a.m - COME JOIN US

Note: Change of Venue for Speechcraft - see flyer below

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


In our November Chapter Meeting, our TMD Xinni reminded us that November is the month of Thanksgiving and thus, asked us to share what we are grateful for.

We gave thanks, one way or another, to our Creator, our parents, friends, toastmasters and anyone who has impacted our lives.

Our Club President, Melvyn Goh gave his opening address and shared the recent unfortunate event that happened at Raffles Place. However, there was still good in the hearts of the people as members of the public came in to help, way before the police and the paramedics. This goes to show that help is always around and people are always willing to help - we just need to ask for help.

November's chapter had 3 prepared speeches by Melvyn, Aswin and Cerulean. Melvyn did an Advanced Project while Aswin and Cerulean both delivered theirs from the CC manuals. Aswin won the Best Project Speaker award! Yay!

Project Evaluations was informative and helpful, giving speakers more tips on how they can improve on their future speeches. We had Rebecca (visiting Toastmaster), John Sih and Vince who provided their valuable insight. DTM John Sih won the Best Evaluator award! =)

Table Topics was an interesting one today. One of our "young" members - Andrew - decided to try his luck at being a Table Topics Master. It may sound like an easy task.. but being able to choose topics that allow speakers to comprehend and deliver is not easy. Andrew chose a topic that was seldom used (and perhaps neglected) - TOASTMASTERS. His Table Topics revolved around Toastmasters and speakers were asked to share on how the topic applied to them as a toastmaster. Seeing that 2014 is the 90th Anniversary for Toastmasters, it came aptly.

Language Evaluation segment came under the hands of DTM Anne Marie. With her aplomb (WOTD) delivery, she gave us an insight on the beautiful use of the English language. So melodious was her evaluation, that the timer forgot to time. >.<

Once again, Thank You to everyone who has contributed, one way or another, in this chapter meeting, past chapter meetings and future meetings.

We look forward to inviting all guests to our next chapter meeting in December 2014 where we will also celebrate Christmas!

Take Care!!

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